Effect Engine Devlog 1
Welcome to the very first devlog of Effect Engine! Being the first devlog, this one will be a bit unusual. It will roughly cover how the game engine currently works as well as what I am currently working on. There won't be many demos at the moment or the forseeable future, as the game engine is still in a state where it cannot make a fully functional game. However, I hope to change that slightly later on with the introduction of working text and menus. -
Running Rust on a PicoW
The Raspberry Pi PicoW is a powerful and inexpensive microcontroller with wireless support. However, when trying to run the classic “blinky” example from rp-hal, you may have discovered that it does not work. This is because the onboard LED (GPIO25) must be accessed through the wireless controller. A port of the driver is being written as we speak.
Welcome to XavierCS!
Hi, and welcome to xaviercs.com. Today we will discuss how this website is put together, what it will be used for, and potential future content.